LYC’s “Tell Tale” returns as blog

For 20 or 30 years, give or take, the Lakeport Yacht Club published its “Tell Tale” newsletter to help keep its members in the loop. With the relaunch of LYC’s website, Tell Tale is returning in digital form as a blog that can be easily accessed anytime by members and site visitors.

Most people have seen blogs in action online, especially on news websites with lots of content. The blog “feed” is structured to keep the newest items up top, while older items can be found by scrolling down. Blogs are also searchable by date, category and keyword, making them easier to navigate than surfing through old print publications and emails.

Our initial goal for 2024 is to post Tell Tale items at least monthly. Check out the “subscribe” feature if you want to be notified by email when new blog content is posted.